miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

The Eye

For me an amazing organ of the human body is the eye, because the sight it's the most used sense in our body, it allow us see everything that's happening in our days and life, and it's the principal organ in the visual system.
Resultado de imagen para ojos
The eye it's like a camera, we have a kind of lens called crystalline lens where the light stimulus is caught until it reaches to a curved surface called retina, there the image that we're seeing is projected inverted. In the retina there are a specialized cells that convert the image into nerve impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain where the image is inverted in order to form the vision as we know it!

Imagen relacionadaThe eyes are located in our heads, down the eyebrows and between the nose and the ear on reach side of our face. They have spherical shape, approximately 25 mm in diameter and weighing aproximately 8 g.

The eyes are composed of multitude of little organs. The ciliary body, which has an fundamental role in the accommodation of the vision. The iris, that it's the colored part that we see in our eyes, and which it's perfored in the center by the pupil. The cornea that is the anterior part of the eye and transmits the light to the lens and the retina.

The illnesses that can alter the normal functioning of the eye are refraction problems, like myopia ansd hypermetropia, cataract, optic nerve disorders, diseases of retina, among others.

To keep the eyes healthy you have to eat fruit and vegetables, keep a healthy weight, don't smoke, use summer glasses to proctect them to UV-A and UV-B radiation, and let the take a rest.

Resultado de imagen para lentes de sol

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Post Graduate

Nowadays I think it's very important to do a post graduate to develop in the professional field. I personally would make one to be able to add knowlegde and be a specialist in a certain matter. I'm very interested to follow a PhD degree in nutrition and food or master degree in food with mention management, quality and food safety, or why not? Both.

Resultado de imagen para alimentos

I think a very good reason to follow a PhD degree it's to have more disciplines in the area and be able to develop relevant research in the field of nutrition. The required subjets to finish the program are Nutrition and Food Biochemistry I, Nutrition and Food Biochemistry II, Bioethics and Research Unit. I would like to study it in Chile, in this University, and probably the most convenient for me would be make a part-time course to be able to work and study at the same time.

Resultado de imagen para alimentosAnd about the master degree, I think that a good reason to make it it's that the food area it's one of the most productive sectors and with this master degree I could contribute to it's growth to encourage exports. The required subjects will be Management and quality systems course, Course on Microbiology, Hygiene and Food Safety and Course of Food Safety Management Systems, and like the PhD degree, I would like to study part-time.

Anyway, I think it is very important to continue developing in the area that we are studing, in this way we specialize in our career and that helps a lot when we're looking for a job.

English Language Challenges

Since I was a child I liked English, and I always tried to learn it as much as I could. When I was 12 years old I started to get interested ...